About the designer:
Tania Haddad, the founder of Tania George, was born and raised in Amman, Jordan. Tania received her fashion design degree from Polimoda Fashion Institute in Florence. She then discovered a love for textile design and print making after her work experience at the famous Italian textile design producer Stamparia Fiorentina in Prato. Tania also worked at renowned fashion houses Tibi, TSE cashmere and Moises De La Renta in New York before heading back to Jordan in 2015 to found Tania George and launch her eponymous brand.
About the Brand
Tania George
Tania George is dedicated to creating seasonless contemporary clothing that tell stories about Jordan. It is a ready to wear womenswear brand with some unisex pieces. The designs are playful and quirky and the inspiration behind the collections come from the hidden gems of everyday life in Jordan, highlighting beautiful details like musical gas trucks and excessively decorated pick-up trucks. Tania plays with her own world of illustrated prints and handcrafted works with a mellow youthful aesthetic and a lot of color.
Her genuine love to document her own culture and discover new behaviors is translated from one collection to the other. Stylizing these details and making patterns out of nostalgic memories is in her DNA. Yes it is cute, but Tania George runs deeper than a bag of cotton candy or a musical gas truck. All of their items are handmade and handcrafted by local tailors from around the Middle East who inherited their skills through generations of family tradition. Tania’s desire as a designer is to find balance between traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design. That is what makes Tania George a brand that values heritage.
"تصميمات تانيا جورج" هي مجموعة من الملابس النسائية العصرية المصممة في قلب عمّان بالأردن. تتناسب "تصميمات تانيا جورج" مع متطلبات النساء اليافعات المفعمات بالحياة والنشاط، وذلك بالاعتماد على مهارات النساء المحليات الأقل حظاً واللاجئات ممّن ورثن مهارات الحياكة والتطريز عن أمهاتهن وجداتهن. تركز أعمال هؤلاء النسوة على الظلال البسيطة والألوان والنقوش العصرية المستوحاة من الفوضى الملهمة والساحرة في عمّان. تتم طباعة هذه النقوش في مدينة فلورانس في إيطاليا لضمان الجودة والمتانة. إلى جانب ذلك، توظف تانيا في تصاميمها تقنيات الحياكة المحلية التقليدية مع لمسات الحداثة، كما تستخدم تقنيات الليزر لقص الأقمشة وحياكتها، ما يمثل جوهر التفرد الذي تتميز به "تصاميم تانيا جورج".